Story of ROBOPIX

Robopix is the prototype of the reading lamp that was supposed to appear as an actor at that moment of Pixar’s start, but the new models of the reading lamp robbed him of this position and he never reached the fame of Pixar’s white reading lamp. After that, instead of being depress, Robopix changed his life and always raised his head and became a teacher of motivational classes for robots, so that his books on robot psychology are among the best-selling books. Various robot languages have translated. He has taught the robots that they shouldn’t be sad after every failure, but should continue their journey with more charge, unless their battery has a problem that they can change it. Robopix is a symbol of a bright future that robots don’t care about the past, but make the future themselves. He taught the robots to see everything positive, even the negative events of their robot’s life with positive view.Many successful robots have always said that Robopix’s life and his books made them successful. Robopix is not Pixar’s failed robot, but an intelligent robot that has managed to achieve the best for itself and others. Many believe that Pixar’s biggest failure was when it didn’t use Robopix. ROBOPIX is one of ZEM group’s robot, combination of art, engineering, and creativity.