What light is suitable for reading?

What light is suitable for studying? Did you know that the intensity and radiation of light can affect your learning rate? Do you prefer yellow or white light for reading? Stay with us in this article to get answers to these questions

If you are a reader, you know better than anyone that to have a useful and effective study, you must first provide the right light for it, because the lack of proper light for reading can damage our eyes and even affect the amount of our learning. But before we ask ourselves what light is suitable for reading, let us introduce you to a few points!

Is yellow or white light suitable for studying?

Do you like yellow or white light? Which is better? This is a question that you may have asked many times, but not with the right answer! We can say with confidence that the bitterness of each of these two completely depends on your taste and habit. they do, the use and application of each of these completely depends on the taste and habit of people!

Does light affect learning?

We have mentioned many times in previous articles that each part of the house should receive a certain amount of light according to the activity that takes place there. The unit of light intensity required for each part of the house is called luxury. Experts have determined the light intensity required for activities in each part of the house as follows: for example, in the living room and reception room, 200 lux, bedroom 180 lux., kitchen 250 lux and light intensity required for educational environments between 300 and 500 lux. But even the intensity and amount of light radiation to perform any activity depends on the habit of the eye and the taste of the people, and it is not possible to have a general theory for this case.

According to the latest research conducted on a group of students, the lighting and proper lighting of the study environment has a direct effect on the students’ learning, concentration and calculations.

Pay attention to the direction of light, the best direction of light for reading is to shine on the book from the side and from top to bottom, the light should not shine directly on the page of the book and should not be reflected from the surface of the paper, because the reflection Direct light from the screen can damage the eyes.

Do not overdo the lighting intensity! As we mentioned, low light can damage your eyes, but high lighting also has this disadvantage, because high light causes glare, accuracy and focus on objects, which can also cause fatigue and damage to the eyes. become an eye

With natural light, reading becomes enjoyable!

There are many ways to provide the right light for studying! One of these ways is natural light. Look at the part of the house you have chosen to study, does it have large windows? If your answer is yes, it means you are lucky!


Having large windows in a room is always an advantage, especially if that room is a space for study, according to the research conducted, natural light is considered the best light for study, and in addition, it can make you feel refreshed and get rid of depression. Get away from you!

Of course, this does not mean that you should place your desk directly in front of the window, direct sunlight can cause serious damage to your body, it is enough to place the study desk in a place where there is a little light, the rest should be natural light. hand over If you want to cover the window, use silk and lace curtains, heavy and dark curtains absorb the light and prevent it from entering the house.

Natural light can satisfy your need for lighting for several hours of the day and night, but what can we do when the sun is gone and there is no natural light? We must go to artificial sources of light!

Reading light, the easiest way to get the best light

Artificial sources and lights compensate our need for lighting in the absence of the sun and natural light, especially if this lighting is for study, which requires a higher level than the usual and average lighting of the room. Here we mention some types of lights that are suitable for reading

Use halogen lights and chandeliers!

Chandeliers are always known as the central source of light, many people may not consider the chandelier as a suitable light source for studying, but these large pendant lights are also used to create suitable lighting for studying. Choose a chandelier for the central and main source of lighting for the room, and bring halogen lights next to it to achieve a soft and beautiful light with the spot light that spreads throughout the room. The use of halogen lights and chandeliers together creates different layers of lighting on the surface of the room, which can be very suitable for reading.

Reading lamp, always popular, always loved

It is impossible not to mention reading lights when talking about the right light for reading! These lights simply provide the right light and shine from top to bottom and obliquely to the page of the book. Reading lights are divided into 3 general categories, table lights, standing lights and wall lights!

If you like to read a little in your living room and dining room, put a standing lamp next to a soft and comfortable sofa! These lampshades provide you with a warm and cozy atmosphere.

Many people read a little before sleeping, if you are in this category, you can use bedside and wall lamps, these lamps have various models and designs and are found in modern and classic styles. You can use the lights that can rotate and direct the light to shine the light on any part of the book whenever you want.

Put desktop reading lights for the desk and writing, put them in the part of the table where you want light to shine on the work page and books! Reading lights occupy very little space from the surface of the table, when buying a reading light,
pay attention to their size and height. There are lights that allow you to shine the light on the table according to your taste and of course your needs.