What is Feng Shui?

Feng Shui is a philosophy in ancient China and it is considered a way to properly arrange furniture and accessories in the environment and harmonize people with it. Of course, if we want to interpret Feng shui word for word, it means wind and water, which refers to purification and health. In this philosophy, there is a type of energy called Chi, the positive of which is called Sheng Chi and the negative of which is called Sha Chi. It is very important to have the correct Chi energy in the house.
The science of Feng Shui is very complex and extensive, but it strives to achieve only one goal, which is to create a sense of happiness between people and the living environment. The science and art of Feng Shui has been popular in China for a long time, but today this mysterious science is better known in the world and is used in many methods and specialties, one of these methods is decoration!
If you want to decorate your new home based on Feng Shui, or you have a new home that you want to decorate for the first time based on Feng Shui principles, you should know simple and basic tips that can help you identify energy Well help .
In this article, we will introduce you to the main areas of creating good and positive Feng Shui energy in a home.

Assess the open space of the house

A house that is well built on the basis and principles of feng shui dominates all parts of its home to receive positive and correct energy. Evaluate and measure the space and outdoor area of the house well! Answer these questions. Do you live in an old house or near a railway? Do you have a backyard? Houses with these conditions usually challenge Feng Shui…this challenge must be managed properly. Try to create a beautiful garden to eliminate the effects of these factors, no matter how big or small it is, plants play an important role in Feng Shui and are known as a source of life flow, they can be very positive energy that they give to the environment., to compensate for this gap and deficiency.

Feng shui of the front door of the house

The front door of the house is one of the main sources of absorbing the energy of the outside environment and strengthening it, and it shows the way of communication with the members of the society. Brings smooth, strong and bright into the house…look at the front door of your house! Is something blocking your driveway? The entrance door of the house should be free of any pots, buckets or shoe racks, create a friendly entryway and let the positive energy of Chi enter your home.

Feng Shui in the three main energy centers

To achieve good feng shui at home, you should pay attention to the three main energy centers, which include the bedroom, kitchen, and bathroom. Each of these three areas has a strong foundation and quality for feng shui. Suitable for feng shui arrived without any of these three factors.

Look for fresh energy!

A house arranged according to the principles of feng shui should be constantly fed by fresh and bright energies and free flows, no limited, old and stale energy should flow in the house, so don’t think that after arranging the house According to the principles of Feng Shui, the work is finished, no, the work has just begun.

You should always circulate fresh and clean energy in the house and pay attention to the areas that are energy consuming!
There are always areas in the house where the decaying energy of our house lurks and hides…you have to get rid of these energies, so make a plan for yourself and try to do simple cleaning tips at home at least once a week. Take care of yourself, clean your closets, closets, basement, parking lot, with the cleanliness of these areas, negative energies will also be removed.