The rules of parking roof lighting

When we enter a dark parking lot with a car, we are overcome with stress and fear lest we hit a person or a car. This shows that the lighting of the parking roofs plays an important role in the security and efficiency of the parking lot. In addition, proper lighting can also affect the beauty of the parking space.

The following points should be considered when lighting the roof of the parking lot:

Brightness: The brightness should be enough for people and cars to easily recognize their path.
Light distribution: Light must be evenly distributed throughout the parking space.
Type of lighting: The type of lighting should be chosen according to the use of the parking lot.
Light color: The light color should be chosen in such a way that it does not cause eye fatigue.



Types of parking roof lighting

The types of parking roof lighting are divided into 4 general categories, which you will read below:

General lighting of the parking roof

General light is a soft and uniform light that illuminates the entire environment. This type of light is necessary for the safe movement of people and cars.

Task lighting of the parking roof

Task light is a focused light and smaller than general light. This type of light is necessary to perform certain tasks in the parking lot, such as car repair or loading and unloading.

Accent lighting on the roof of the parking lot

Accent lighting is light that directs the eyes to a specific point. For example, accent lighting can turn the parking lot into the focal point of the parking lot.

Use of decorative lighting in the parking lot

Decorative lighting is a light that has a beautiful and decorative aspect. By using this type of lighting, you can make the parking space attractive and charming.

How are the types of parking roof lighting implemented?

There are different types of indoor lighting, each of which has its own use. In interior lighting design, different types of lamps are used, such as LED lamps, halogen lamps, fluorescent lamps, optical fibers, etc. These lamps are available in different types of surface, recessed, hanging and thread.

As we mentioned above, lighting includes 4 general views:

  • General lighting: General lighting is a soft and uniform light that illuminates the entire environment. This type of light is necessary for the safe movement of people and cars.
  • Surface and recessed ceiling lights are usually used in public lighting.
  • Task lighting: Task lighting is a focused light that is smaller than general lighting.
  • This type of light is necessary to perform certain tasks in the parking lot, such as car repair or loading and unloading. Hanging lights are usually used in task lighting.
  • Accent lighting: Accent lighting is a light that directs the eyes to a specific point.
  • For example, accent lighting can turn the parking lot into the focal point of the parking lot. Halogen ceiling lamps are usually used for accent lighting.
  • Decorative lighting: Decorative lighting is a light that has a beautiful and decorative aspect. By using this type of lighting, you can make the parking space attractive and charming. In decorative lighting, different types of lighting can be used, such as hidden lighting, line lighting, colored lighting, etc.

Different types of lighting are used in parking lots. General lighting is necessary to illuminate the entire parking area. Task lighting is necessary to perform certain tasks, such as car repair.

Accent lighting is used to highlight certain elements in the parking space, such as sculptures or billboards. Decorative lighting is used for the beauty and attractiveness of the parking space.


In the following, we discuss the principles of parking roof lighting:

The combination of different types of lighting in interior design

For a basic design in the lighting of the parking roof, general (ambient), task, emphasis and decorative lighting should be combined, the combination of these four lighting guarantees security, efficiency and beauty in the parking space.

Lighting suitable for area and space

The amount of lighting in the parking lot should be proportional to the area of ​​the parking lot. Too much light or too little light affects the parking efficiency.

The intensity of lighting in the parking roof lighting should not be so high that it bothers the eyes of the drivers.

There should be more lighting in high-traffic areas of the parking lot, such as entrances and exits.

Bright surfaces and dazzling reflection of light in the environment

Floor, wall and ceiling materials have a great influence on parking lot lighting. Smooth and bright surfaces reflect light better than rough and dark surfaces. This makes the parking space look brighter and more attractive.

Lighting coordinated with the design of the ceiling

Parking roof lighting depends on its roof design. Different ceilings have their own lighting.

For example, hidden lighting is implemented in false ceilings. But the hidden light does not provide the required light of the environment.

As a result, more recessed or surface lamps are used for the general lighting of the parking space.

Parking roof lighting tips

1.False ceiling in parking lot design
false ceiling and kenaf, in addition to beauty, can also play a role in parking lot lighting. Hidden colored lighting in the false ceiling can make the parking space attractive and eye-catching.

2.The virtual sky and the parking roof,
the solution to reduce congestion and suffocation in the parking lot by using the false ceiling of the virtual sky

If you want to make the parking space more open and brighter, you can use the virtual sky false ceiling design.

The false ceiling of the virtual sky can help reduce congestion and suffocation in the parking space by creating a feeling of spaciousness.

3.Motion sensors in the space
Sensor lights can help reduce energy consumption in parking lot lighting by automatically turning on when moving and turning off automatically when stationary.


  1. Attractiveness of the space with decorative lamps and ceiling
    to beautify the parking space, you can use decorative lamps. Decorative lamps are available in different types and shapes and can give a beautiful and eye-catching effect to the parking space.
  2. Resetting with a dimmer Dimmers are tools that can increase or decrease the light intensity of lamps. Using dimmers can help save electricity.

During the day, the intensity of natural light varies. When the intensity of natural light is greater, there is no need to turn on the lights at full intensity. In this case, you can use dimmers to reduce the light intensity of the lights.