Lighting up the biggest lamp in the world

A collection of special lamps in the world in Zem Group

The 10,000-watt tungsten lamp with over 298,000 lumens of light is one of the largest and brightest lamps in the world, specifically designed for professional cinematic and stage work.

To see the process of a 10,000-watt tungsten bulb lighting up, you can watch this video on the ZEM Group channel on YouTube.

Turning on a 10,000-watt tungsten lamp

Specifications of 10,000 Watt Tungsten Lamp

220V-50A or 110V-100A

A 10,000 watt tungsten lamp according to its technical specifications in its catalog consumes 100 amperes between 115 volts and 130 volts, and 50 amperes between 220 volts and 250 volts.

The resistance of this lamp is between 0.3 to 0.4 ohms, in fact, it is a short circuit. To turn on this lamp, first, we give it low voltage so that a low current passes through it and the fuse does not blow. After its tungsten filaments warm up, we can increase the current because when metals heat up, their resistance also increases. This is exactly the opposite of semiconductors, as their resistance decreases with temperature increase.

This lamp emits light between 290,000 to 300,000 lumens. The base of the lamp is a 10,000-watt tungsten type G38.

To turn on this lamp, first, we need to set up its circuit and electric panel. We use a controller to control the circuit. Before turning on the lamp, we clean the lamp’s glass with alcohol to remove any grease. We mount the lamp on the G38 base. To measure the current of this lamp, we use a multimeter which allows us to see the current and understand its increase through its application. When this lamp turns on, it creates a lot of heat and light. You can watch the details of turning on the 10,000-watt tungsten lamp on ZEM Group’s YouTube channel.