Memory Oscillographic tube 13LN10

The history of the oscilloscope goes back to the first recordings of waveform with a galvanometer connected to a mechanical tension system in the second decade of the 19th century.

The oscilloscope was invented by the French Engineer and physicist André Blundel, who built and presented the first electromechanical oscilloscope in 1893.

This device was able to record the values of electrical quantities such as the intensity of alternating current. An oscilloscope allows you to view how voltage changes over time.

An ink pendulum attached to a coil recorded this information on a moving paper tape. The first oscilloscopes used several mechanical devices in their work process, which made their measurements not very accurate and their bandwidth was very low, between 10 and 19 kHz. A major step in the development of oscilloscopes was taken in 1897, when a German physicist, Carl Ferdinand Braun, invented a cathode ray tube (CRT). An English company named A. C. Cossor, which was the first company in the world to adopt this technology, presented its first oscilloscope in 1932.

CRT module is a special vacuum tube that contains an electron gun, a set of horizontal and vertical deflection plates, several electronic lenses and a display, covered with layers of fluorescent and phosphorescent coating on the inner side.

Product model:

13LN10 Memory oscillographic tube 13LN10

This product is also known by other names: 113 LN 10, 13-LN-10, 1zLN10, 13ln10, 13 ln 10, 13-ln-10.

Country of manufacture: Russia

Price: $



Filament Voltage

from 5.7 V to 6.6 V

Filament Current:

from 540 mA to 660 mA


The 13LN10 oscillographic storage tube is designed for recording, reproducing and long-term storage of images of single (one time) and repetitive electrical processes.


Not less than 500 hours



From 3 V to 5.5 V



1.4 A to 1.8 A

More information:

Image brightness

not less than 1 cd/m2


The width of the focused line is not more than 1 mm.

Write speed

not less than 4000 m/s

Information storage time

at least 24 hours

Image playback time 13LN10

not less than 60 s


from -2.5 kV to -2.8 kV

Locking voltage

from -60 V to -120 V

Voltage on the anodes 13LN10:

on the 1st anode

from 730 V to 800 V

on the 2nd anode

from -100 V to +100 V


from -2 V to 15 V

USenior reseracher

not more than 25 V


from 4 kV to 4.5 kV


– Temporary deflection plates – from 0.4 mm/V to 0.5 mm/V;

– Signal deflection plates – from 0.7 mm/V to 0.8 mm/V.

Image brightness is at least 1 cd/m2. The design is glass baseless with additional terminals on the cylinder. Durability of at least 500 hours. The screen glow color is yellow green. The recording speed is not less than 4000 m/s. Information storage time – at least 24 hours. The playback time of the 13LN10 image is not less than 60 s.


365 x 132 x 54 mm.

Weight 1 kg.