modern downlight

 downlight beautify the down lighting lamps and giving effect to the roofs of houses in different styles.

Different types and models of downlights in different designs and colors produce and market according to different styles of decorations. Therefore, you can choose the best model according to your taste among their various models and designs, which is in harmony with your decoration style.

modern downlight

modern downlights design and manufacture in various types and models, which are different in terms of material, colors and shapes.

TYPES OF downlighS

Downlights are made of different materials, which include the following:
Brass made downlight
Aluminum downlight
Steel downlight
Crystal made downlight
Wooden downlight
Plaster downlight
And ….
To get the price of classic downlight, contact ZEM experts

antique brass downlights are made of very high quality brass , these frames do not change color, and they are waterproof. Due to their high resistance, they are the best choice for a quality purchase and consider among the category of luxury downlight. The reason for the popularity of these frames is that they have high strength against high temperature and humidity and do not change color.

antique Brass downlight

downlight with aluminum material

Among the special and modern downlight models, the aluminum downlight is one of the most economical and relatively good quality, commensurate with the price of aluminum. These frames are less resistant than brass downlights.

wooden downlight

downlights are made of wood use in decorations where the interior decorate with wooden elements and warm colors.

THE DESIGN OF downlights

downlights have different designs in terms of appearance. These designs include the following:
circular downlight , square downlight , square 2,3,4 downlight, surface downlight.

steel downlight

downlights are made of steel have good strength in decoration conditions. Steel downlights are more expensive than aluminum downlights.
Other positive features of steel downlight include high quality and high strength against impact and heat.

crystal downlight

downlights made of crystal have a very attractive and modern appearance due to the use of beautiful and bright crystals in its structure, as well as models made of brass with the combination of original Swarovski crystal elements that provide special lighting. Creates on the ceiling, it can double the beauty of the environment and decoration of your home. These original Swarovski crystal frames are more attractive than other modern downlights with special geometric shapes and fine cuts.

COLOR OF downlights

Special and modern downlights sell in the most popular colors. Colors that are more popular in decoration, including:
bright gold , bright patina , white gold patina , jet black , bright chrome , white and bright gold , and also in more special decorations that are made of colors It is clear that the combination of gold and colors such as green, red, blue and black creates a very beautiful effect.