Types of lenses and their uses

At first, we will get to know the nature of different types of lenses in order to reach their usages.

According to the article about everything about light, the refraction part of the use of lenses is based on this part of the use of light.

What is a lens?

A lens is an optical device through which light passes, and emits it in a divergent (diffusing) or converging (concentrating) form.

Lenses are made of transparent materials such as plastic or glass; they use in camera lenses, making prescription glasses and magnifying glasses.

When the first lens made?

The first lens made back to the time of the Assyrians. The possibility that archaeologists have given about the type of use of lenses is that they use to focus sunlight to light a fire or to magnify. Some other researchers argue that lenses were widely used in the Old Testament. For example, artisans used them to do fine work or to prove the effect of a seal.

Who was the first person to use a lens?


The first person who used lenses was Ibn Haytham, the father of light physics. After that, Galileo and Abu RihanBiruni used it.

Ibn Haytham invented the first magnifying glass. He is the one who, by studying research and inventing the magnifying glass, led to the invention of the first glasses by Roger Bacon.

Galileo is also the inventor of the first telescope, who thought of making a telescope after he visited Venice and met a person named Hans Lipperhey, who happened to be an eyeglass maker. He invented the telescope after placing a concave and convex lens at the end of a metal tube and looking at the celestial objects.

Abu Rihan Biruni use different types of lenses in the rules of leveling the globe, drawing geographical maps, identifying how the earth’s layers formed, and observing eclipses.

In which countries are the world’s largest and smallest lenses and what are their usage?

The world’s largest lens keep at Mount Graham International Observatory, in the Biennale mountain range in the state of Arizona, USA, and used in the LBT telescope. This type of lens make in 2007 by the cooperation of the three countries of America, Italy and Germany. The compound diameter of this lens is 11.8 meters.

Also, the smallest lenses can be use in optical microscopes that can show you the image up to 100 times larger.

What are the types of lenses?

Converging lens


In a converging lens, after breaking and passing through the lens, the light rays collide and converge at one what is the structure of a converging lens?

The structure of converging lenses is such that the edges are thinner than the middle, and they are usually made for different applications in the form of double convex, flat convex and converging crescent.

In what fields are converging lenses used?

This type of lens use in microscopes, telescopes and glasses for people with cameras or astigmatism. This type of lens makes objects appear larger.

Diverging lens


In diverging lenses, light rays are spread and diverged after refraction and passing through the lens.

What is the shape of a diverging lens?

The edge of these lenses is wider than the middle, and they made in the form of double-cave, flat-cave and diverging crescent.

In what fields a divergent lens used?

This lens can use in glasses for myopic-astigmatism people. This type of lens makes objects appear smaller.

Compound lenses

The lenses that formed by the combination of these two types of lenses are called compound lenses. Together, we will examine the types of these types of lenses:

  PLANOCONVEX It is a lens whose one side raised or so-called convex and the other side is flat.


It used in telescopes. If you view something from the flat side, the objects will be slightly wide.

BICONVEX This type of lens, which is convex on both sides, used in magnifiers, microscopes and telescopes. The image is the same on both sides unless one side has more or less protrusion than the other.



It is a lens that one side is convex and the other side is concave. It used in making glasses and the image is wide.



One side should be concave and the other side should be flat. These lenses use in some very narrow glasses and the image is wide on the flat side and small on the sunken side.



Both sides should be recessed. The image is the same on both sides unless one side is more recessed or raised than the other.


(CONCAVE) Concave crescent lens

It is a type of lens with one side-raised concave and the other side-recessed convex. It uses in glasses and the image is slanted from each side.


Which country is the largest lens manufacturer?

Today, the largest lens production company is Zeiss, located in Germany. This company produces the best type of lenses, which used in the manufacture of prescription glasses.

Currently, most of the lenses are made of developing Asian countries, but these products use for other countries and different brands of the world under their supervision.

This is because it is cheap and economical in Asian countries. Most lens manufacturing companies are located in Dubai.

What is the biggest lens manufacturer in Iran?

In Iran, the Company, which is the same as SAIRAN Electro-Optic Industries, produces a wide range of medical and non-medical lenses and glasses.

What do you know about the James Webb telescope?

The James Webb Space Telescope is the largest telescope ever built and this telescope led to the discovery of space objects that could not see with its predecessor, the Hubble Telescope. The purpose of building this type of telescope is to explore the moments of the Big Bang or the Dark Age, and it is able to observe between 100 to 250 million years after the Big Bang.

This telescope consists of 18 compound lenses and mirrors, the diameter of each mirror reaches 6.5 meters, and the total size of the telescope is equivalent to half of a Boeing 737.