20 exterior models of modern residential buildings

The entrance of the building is the first thing we see when entering a house, the beautiful or ugly facade of a building can give us a general impression of the decoration design and even the people inside the house.

20 exterior models of modern residential buildings – zemgroup

There are many articles and photos about interior decoration design, but almost nothing about exterior decoration design! Do you have a special idea? Have you thought about the exterior style of your home? The beauty of the exterior of the house or apartment is as important as the interior decoration of the house, because a stylish and attractive exterior force us to see the inside of the house or even makes a house stay in our minds for a long time, so this is always Remember that exterior decoration has a direct effect on interior decoration. Observe the balance and symmetry in the exterior decoration design, pay attention to the building materials i.e. wood, plaster and metal… and seriously clarify what materials you are using for the exterior of the building, do you have a specific color in mind? Do you want large or small windows?

Take the lighting of the entrance of the building seriously to make your home stand out! Pay attention to the perspective of your house. Flowers and trees are a beautiful and natural element to beautify the entrance of the building. Do you use them? In this article, we have collected 20 exterior models of modern and advanced buildings, stay with us.